Customer Testimonials

We take our customers seriously and do everything we can to streamline their shopping process. Our knowledgeable staff can answer any of your questions and help you find the right vehicle for your business.

  • Bob and Jackie Jones in their Truck
    Bob and Jackie Jones, Jones Remodeling and Construction July 16th, 2018

    We found the perfect van for our needs! We were able to easily use their site to narrow down to the right van for us based on the roof height and capacity. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful and gave us a great price. We've come back to have our vans serviced a number of times and their service department has done a great job.

  • Jane Doe in her truck
    Jane Doe, Burger Time Food Cart June 8th, 2018

    I had a great experience shopping here. The staff were smart, friendly and helpful. They had a huge selection and I was able to find the perfect van for my new food cart location! They had the ideal van for my business at a reasonable price and helped me to understand my options for upfitting the van.

    No sales gimmicks! I'd recommend them to anyone!

  • John Smith at our dealership
    John Smith, Plumbing Done Right March 10th, 2017

    I've been shopping here for a long time and have always had a great experience. Their general manager, Dave maintains a huge stock of vehicles so I can always find what I'm looking for. When one of my vans breaks down I always take it here to get it fixed up. Their service department is quick, dependable and affordable. Next time I need a new vehicle I'm definitely coming back!